Video shows furious airlines pilot Kenneth Jones attack car park gate

United Airlines pilot Kenneth Jones, 63, charged by police over Denver International Airport ax attack on exit gate in staff car park

  •  Video shows him hitting the car park gate 23 times before it flew of its hinges
  • The senior pilot was disarmed by colleagues and arrested after airport ax attack
  • Airport admits the gate has problems after Jones told police he had ‘just his breaking point’ 

A senior airline pilot, only years short of his retirement, had ‘just hit his breaking point’ when he carried out a prolonged ax attack on a car park barrier that would not open.

United Airlines pilot Kenneth Jones, 63, has been suspended by his employers and charged with criminal mischief after flying off the handle at Denver International Airport in Colorado.

Airport video footage shows the uniformed pilot striding towards the barrier in the staff car park carrying an ax which he is thought to have had in his vehicle.

As motorists look on open-mouthed he vigorously swings the ax at the gate 23 times until it finally flips off its hinge, leaving the exit open.

Police deputies in Adams County say he told them he ‘just hit his breaking point’, and was ‘trying to get rid of issues for everyone’.

The pilot took 23 vigorous swings at the gate that had infuriated him

Authorities at the airport admitted to CBS News Colorado that there was an issue with delays at the gate because many users do not have the correct permit.

Jones told police he launched his August 2 attack after seeing six cars in line at each of the three exit gates as he was trying to leave.

The airport footage shows a man in a high-visibility jacket grappling with the pilot in a different area of the car park before successfully wrestling the ax off him.

A second man intervenes before police catch up with the pilot in a field by the runway and march him in handcuffs to their vehicle. 

Jones was caught on camera marching purposefully towards the gate at Denver International Airport with the ax swinging from his right hand

Jones marched off after the gate finally yielded to the blows and flew off its hinges

It took two civilians to disarm the pilot before he was arrested by police and marched off

Jones has qualifications to fly some of the biggest passenger aircraft including Boeing’s 767 and 757.

While the senate is currently considering raising the retirement age of pilots from 65 to 67 – a measure that has already passed a vote in congress – the international retirement age for pilots is currently 65. It is unclear if 63-year-old Jones will see his pension impacted by his erratic outburst. 

He does not have a criminal record in Colorado and the video shows him being released from custody,

But he is due to face an arraignment hearing in Adams County Court on September 25.

‘He was removed from the schedule and is on leave while United conducts an internal investigation,’ a spokesman for the airline said.

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