Words and Phrases Baby Boomers Say That No One Else Understands

Every generation has words or phrases that distinguish it from previous generations, and Baby Boomers are no different. The Michael Myers Austin Powers movies that were a send-up of ‘60s-era spy flicks was a reminder of how far removed we are from the slang of that bygone era.

24/7 Tempo has compiled a list of words and phrases Baby Boomers say that no else understands, drawing on sources including Your Dictionary and Owlcation

Certain styles from the children of the ‘60s, such as tie-dye shirts and bell-bottom jeans may endure (or come back), but the argot of Boomers sounds as dated today as the slang from the Depression and the 1940s that their parents spoke. (For another look back, here’s a list of 15 popular toys when Baby Boomers were kids.)

Much of the jargon of ‘60s youth was influenced by the use of drugs, rock ‘n’ roll lyrics, the hippie lifestyle, and protests against the Vietnam War. 

Click here to see words and phrases Baby Boomers say that no one else understands

Some of these words and phrases date back long before even the oldest Baby Boomers were born. “Bread” was a term for money as early as the 1930s (and incidentally bread’s pre-baked form, “dough,” has been applied to money since the Civil War era). “Trippin’” (spelled with a final “g”) was first recorded with its current meaning of being under the influence of drugs in the 1920s. (Here are 10 words that don’t mean what you think they do.)

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