Sexually-motivated murders 'will NEVER be released from prison'

Sexually-motivated murders will NEVER be released from prison, under crackdown unveiled by Rishi Sunak

Sexually-motivated murderers will never be released from prison, under a crackdown confirmed by Rishi Sunak today.

The PM declared in his speech to that some crimes were ‘so heinous’ that only a whole life sentence is appropriate.    

The pledge follows up on a commitment made by Mr Sunak over the summer.

It follows the murders of Zara Aleena and Sabina Nessa, whose killers got life with a minimum of 38 and 36 years respectively.

Mr Sunak told activists in Manchester: ‘Our London mayoral candidate Susan Hall is doing a great job of holding Sadiq Khan to account for his failings on policing.

Rishi Sunak declared in his speech to that some crimes were ‘so heinous’ that only a whole life sentence is appropriate

Koci Selama, pictured here in his police mugshot, was jailed for 36 years for the murder of Sabina Nessa. The Prime Minister announced over the summer that he would seek to change the law to ensure that all sexually-motivated murderers receive whole life sentences

‘Londoners, you will be safer with Susan.

‘And I am clear: there are some crimes so heinous that those who perpetrate them should spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

‘So, I can confirm that we will legislate for sexual and sadistic murders to carry a full life term with no prospect of release.’

Mr Sunak added: ‘We are going to change this country and that means life means life.’

He said the policy should not be ‘controversial’, insisting: ‘The vast majority of hardworking people agree with it.’

Last year’s Police, Crime and Courts Act ended automatic early release for all sexual offences that carry a maximum life sentence, including rape and sexual assault of a child aged under 13.

Those given a sentence of four years or more are now required to serve at least two-thirds of it before being considered for release. 

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